3 Reasons Why Apple Will Make You Poop (GI Doctor Explains).

Our content is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice by your doctor. Use for informational purposes only.

Apples make you poop because they contain sorbitol and fructose, which may cause loose stool. They also add bulk to your stool which helps you poop more.

This article will explain all the possible effects of apples on your bowel habits and stool form.


Table of Contents

Why do apples make you poop? (3 Causes).

The effect of apples on your poop depends on the number of apples you eat and whether you are intolerant to apples.

Apples can help with constipation as their fibers add bulk and withdraw water into your stool. It also contains sorbitol, which is a laxative substance that makes you poop after eating apples.

In this article, you will learn about the effects of apples on your bowel movements and stool form.

[1] How apples affect your Poop.

The components of apples that may affect your poop include:

A. Fibers:

Apples are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibers. High-fiber diet typically makes the stool bulkier, stimulating the motility of the intestinal and colon.

Each 100-gram of apple contains:

  • 1.54 gm of insoluble fibers
  • 0.67 gm of soluble fibers.

B. Sorbitol

Sorbitol is a type of sugar (called sugar alcohol); sorbitol rapidly dissolves in water and has laxative effects (osmotic laxative). It is used as a laxative medication to fight constipation.

Apples are one of the richest fruits in sorbitol. Consuming more sorbitol will make you poop more and may cause diarrhea. Also, it is beneficial to fight constipation (apples act as a laxative).

C. Fructose.

Fructose is one of the chief sugars (carbohydrates) in apples. Fructose (and sorbitol) is one of the FODMAPs that rapidly ferment inside the digestive tract and may have laxative effects.

Too much fructose can make you poop and constantly gassy.

Apples are high in fructose, and sucrose 100 grams of apples contains 5.9 grams of fructose (reference).

D. Concomitant digestive conditions:

The effect of apples on your stool and bowel movement also depends on whether you have digestive diseases.

The most common disease affected by apples is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). It is a functional disease that leads to chronic abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and bowel habit changes.

If you are an IBS sufferer, you are likely to be intolerant to high-FODMAP foods (such as apples). Apples may trigger IBS symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and bloating.

[2] Is it normal to poop immediately after eating apples?

Apples have laxative properties.

You may poop immediately after eating apples because apples stimulate colon movements by adding a fiber bulk. Apples also contain laxative properties due to their high content of insoluble fibers, sorbitol, and lactose.

Apples can trigger the Gastrocolic reflex.

Pooping immediately after eating apples can also indicate an exaggerated gastrocolic reflex.

A gastrocolic reflex is a physiological response of the colon when an apple reaches your stomach; your colon responses by increasing its motility (to prepare itself for receiving the new food in the stomach).

The reflex increased colon motility immediately after eating (the gastrocolic reflex) can be exaggerated in many people. And this is why you (and many other people) feel the urge to poop immediately after eating.

Apple is a known trigger of the gastrocolic reflex. The more apples you eat, the more obvious the gastrocolic reflex. And this will make you poop immediately after eating apples.

[3] Can I use Apple as a laxative for constipation?

Apples have laxative effects and can be used for constipation:

Apples are one of the best fruits used as a laxative for constipation. Apples fight constipation due to their high fiber content (insoluble fibers draw water into your stool), sorbitol, and other sugars.

So, regular consumption of apples is advised if you have chronic or occasional constipation.

Severe cases of constipation may require other laxative medications.

However, If your constipation is severe, apples alone won’t help, and you may need an over-the-counter laxative such as

  • Polyethylene glycol (MiraLax®),
  • Lactulose,
  • Magnesium supplements, etc.
  • Also, stimulation laxatives may help with constipation such as Dulcolax.

Many of these laxatives are available over the counter; the most commonly used are MiraLax and lactulose.

In severe cases, prescription laxatives such as Lupipristone and Procalopride may be needed. As your doctor about other laxative options if apples are not working for constipation.

Apples for Constipation-predominant IBS:

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is a famous chronic gut disease that causes chronic abdominal pain and bowel habit changes.

IBS can cause diarrhea (diarrhea-predominant IBS), constipation (constipation-predominant IBS), or both (Mixed IBS).

For people with IBS constipation, apples may be a double-edged sword. Although apples can make you poop, they may induce other IBS symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, excess gas, and flatulence.

So, Don’t use apples for IBS-Constipation unless recommended by your doctor or dietitian.

Do apples cause loose stool or diarrhea?

Apples may cause loose stool or diarrhea because they are high in FODMPAs (fructose and sorbitol) and fiber.

Fructose is one of the chief sugars in apples. According to Dr. Norton Greenberger from Harvard Medical school, 75% of people will get diarrhea or loose stool from ingesting 40-80 grams of fructose.

The more apples you eat, the more likely you will get loose stool or diarrhea (the effect of fructose depends on how much you consume).

The diarrhea-inducing effect of apples is even more prevalent in patients with IBS.

How long does it take for apples to make you poop?

Apples may make you poop immediately due to the induction of the gastrocolic reflex (immediate increase in colon motility as soon as you ingest apples). However, the direct laxative effect of apples (due to fibers and other laxative sugars) may take hours to appear.